Andreas Bär

Andreas Bär

PhD Student @

Technische Universität Braunschweig


I am a final-year PhD student in Electrical Engineering under supervision of Tim Fingscheidt, Professor at the Institute for Communications Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig. My PhD thesis lies in the area of computer vision with focus on:

  • Semantic Segmentation
  • Out-of-Distribution Robustness, Adversarial Attacks
  • Teacher-Student Learning
  • Performance Prediction

In addition, I recently developed interest in:

  • (Multimodal) large language models
  • Vision foundation models
  • Efficient transfer learning
  • Data augmentation on frozen features
  • Training at scale
  • MSc in Electrical Engineering, 2018

    Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

  • BEng in Electrical Engineering, 2016

    Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbüttel, Germany


Best Paper Award 🏆
Serin Varghese, Sharat Gujamagadi, Marvin Klingner, Nikhil Kapoor, Andreas Bär, Jonas Schneider, Kira Maag, Peter Schlicht, Fabian Hüger, and Tim Fingscheidt. An Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the Performance of Semantic Segmentation Networks (2021). In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.
Best Paper Award 🏆
Andreas Bär, Marvin Klingner, Serin Varghese, Fabian Hüger, Peter Schlicht, and Tim Fingscheidt. Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a Layer-Specific Loss Contribution and Majority Vote (2020). In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.


Institute for Communications Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Research Associate
Feb 2019 – Jun 2024 Braunschweig, Germany
  • Internal project lead in research projects, e.g., KI Absicherung
  • Write and share research code in Python, e.g., TUBSRobustCheck, PerfPredRec, …
  • Write and publish scientific papers (Google scholar)
  • Supervise student bachelor and master theses as well as student research assistants
  • Peer review for conferences and journals, e.g., IEEE/CVF CVPR, ICRA, IROS, IJCV, IEEE RA-L, Neurocomputing, Pattern Recognition, …
Google DeepMind
Research Intern
Jul 2023 – Oct 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Research in computer vision under the guidance of my host Manoj Kumar and co-host Neil Houlsby.
  • Implemented feature caching and corresponding training pipelines for several pretrained Vision Transformer models.
  • Investigated transfer learning capabilities and the effect of data augmentation methods in the feature space.
  • Contributed to Scenic core.
  • The results are summarized in a paper which was presented at CVPR 2024!
Volkswagen Group
Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Jan 2016 – Mar 2016 Wolfsburg, Germany
  • Work in a team of (software) engineers with 10+ years of experience
  • Assist software quality assessments of OEM suppliers according to ISO 26262


(2024). Frozen Feature Augmentation for Few-Shot Image Classification. In Proc. of CVPR.

PDF Cite Project Poster Slides

(2023). A Novel Benchmark for Refinement of Noisy Localization Labels in Autolabeled Datasets for Object Detection. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite Code Poster Slides

(2022). Detecting Adversarial Perturbations in Multi-Task Perception. In Proc. of IROS.

PDF Cite Code

(2022). Adaptive Bitrate Quantization Scheme Without Codebook for Learned Image Compression. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite Code

(2022). Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation and by a Self-Supervised Image Reconstruction Decoder. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite Code Poster

(2022). Improving Transferability of Generated Universal Adversarial Perturbations for Image Classification and Segmentation. In Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving.

PDF Cite

(2022). Inspect, Understand, Overcome: A Survey of Practical Methods for AI Safety. In Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving.

PDF Cite

(2022). Joint Optimization for DNN Model Compression and Corruption Robustness. In Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving.

PDF Cite

(2021). From a Fourier-Domain Perspective on Adversarial Examples to a Wiener Filter Defense for Semantic Segmentation. In Proc. of IJCNN.

PDF Cite

(2021). Detection of Collective Anomalies in Images for Automated Driving Using an Earth Mover’s Deviation (EMDEV) Measure. In Proc. of IV - Workshops.

PDF Cite

(2021). An Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss To Improve the Performance of Semantic Segmentation Networks. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite

(2021). Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite

(2021). The Vulnerability of Semantic Segmentation Networks to Adversarial Attacks in Autonomous Driving: Enhancing Extensive Environment Sensing. In IEEE SPM.

PDF Cite

(2020). Transferable Universal Adversarial Perturbations Using Generative Models. In arXiv.

PDF Cite

(2020). Focussing Learned Image Compression to Semantic Classes for V2X Applications. In Proc. of IV.

PDF Cite

(2020). Class-Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation Re-Using Neither Old Data Nor Old Labels. In Proc. of ITSC.

PDF Cite Code

(2020). Improved Noise and Attack Robustness for Semantic Segmentation by Using Multi-Task Training with Self-Supervised Depth Estimation. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite

(2020). Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a Layer-Specific Loss Contribution and Majority Vote. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite Slides

(2020). Unsupervised Temporal Consistency Metric for Video Segmentation in Highly-Automated Driving. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite

(2019). On the Robustness of Redundant Teacher-Student Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation. In Proc. of CVPR - Workshops.

PDF Cite Poster Slides

(2019). On Low-Bitrate Image Compression for Distributed Automotive Perception: Higher Peak SNR Does Not Mean Better Semantic Segmentation. In Proc. of IV.

PDF Cite

(2019). Towards Corner Case Detection for Autonomous Driving. In Proc. of IV.

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